COVID-19 impacted families globally, restricting movement, and changing daily routines and familydynamics. In order to explore and contrast children’s and parents’ experiences and perceptions of life during COVID-19, we used Pike’s distinction of emic (an insider’s...
During the pandemic, many young people had to change their plans for the future. While at the end of 2023 young people’s labour market situation was more favourable than it had been in recent years, many obstacles remained on their route to independence, such as the...
This multidisciplinary book presents the first results of analyses that combined the renowned longitudinal database of SHARE with new data from two telephone surveys that were uniquely conducted during the...
A pesar de los beneficios de estos medicamentos, las dudas están comenzando a surgir después de la Comisión Europea ordenase eliminar este martes todas las vacunas covid, de la farmacéutica inglesa AstraZeneca y Oxford, por «graves y raros efectos...
Según el último informe ofrecido por el Sistema de Vigilancia de Intención Respiratoria Aguda (Sivira) del Instituto de Salud Carlos III, la incidencia por covid ha pasado de 30 casos por 100.000 habitantes en la última semana de junio a los 137 casos por 100.000...