Panorama internacional

Schools tackle rising student apathy, screen addiction

Schools tackle rising student apathy, screen addiction

In some ways, it’s as if students "just care less and less about what people think, but also somehow care more,” said Isabella, 14. Some teens, she said, no longer care about appearing disengaged, while others are so afraid of ridicule they keep to themselves. She...

The magic of child’s play: A cornerstone of development

The magic of child’s play: A cornerstone of development

Understanding the impact of play is essential for parents. Play might seem little more than a delightful distraction, but experts say it’s a cornerstone of healthy development. While fancy gadgets and electronic toys fill many family game rooms, it’s simple activities...

Gen Z Has Regrets

Gen Z Has Regrets

What about social media platforms? They achieved global market penetration faster than almost any product in history. The category took hold in the early aughts with Friendster, MySpace and the one that rose to dominance: Facebook. By 2020, more than half of all...

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