Panorama internacional

US Teen Girls experiencing increased sadness ans violence


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 13 February 2023.

The Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data Summary & Trends Report: 2011–2021 provides the most recent surveillance data, as well as 10-year trends, on health behaviors and experiences among high school students in the United States (U.S.) related to adolescent health and well-being

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New study links early childhood tablet use to anger outbursts

New study links early childhood tablet use to anger outbursts

The new study, published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics, shows that child tablet use at 3.5 years old was associated with a higher number of expressions of anger and frustration a year later. In addition, children who were more prone to anger and frustration at 4.5...

Diez claves para una buena salud mental

Diez claves para una buena salud mental

La OMS define la salud mental como un estado en el cual el individuo se da cuenta de sus propias aptitudes, puede afrontar las presiones normales de la vida, puede trabajar fructíferamente y es capaz de hacer una contribución a su comunidad.