In the UK there was one recent headline that may have been lost amongst the Brexit turmoil (although of course it is a non-Brexit turmoil because the UK hasn’t actually left yet – only 3.5 years and counting…) The headline revealed that, for those born in the UK, 2018 was the first recorded year in which more died than were born in England and Wales.
La Fiscalía reconoce que defender a niños, niñas y adolescentes frente a los depredadores de las redes es un objetivo “casi imposible”
De ahí que la Fiscalía tilde de “desolador” el escenario que se plantea con respecto a los menores. “Eso exige una intervención coordinada de todos los operadores intervinientes, a fin de garantizar una adecuada prevención y protección frente a la violencia digital,...