There are all kinds of public service announcements, commercials and efforts urging us to help feed hungry children and their families. In all, a record 70 million are in need of one of life’s necessities — food.
We can argue and debate until the cows (don’t) come home about why we’re allowing our children to starve, but that won’t change the bottom line that we are facing the broadest and deepest global humanitarian crisis since the United Nations was established in 1945.
Indeed, an estimated 100,000 people in South Sudan are dying of starvation and 7.5 million South Sudanese need food.
El fenómeno del ‘amigo terapeuta’: los peligros de opinar sobre la salud mental de los demás
Con la mayor visibilización de la salud mental son más las personas que van a terapia pero también, como consecuencia, las que se comportan como una suerte de gurús del todo y de la nada, adalides de un conocimiento insondable que no cesan en opinar sobre lo que...