Everywhere you look, there are articles and books being written about the generational workplace shakeup that has been taking place in recent years due to the introduction of Millenials and Generation Z into the workforce amidst Baby Boomers and Generation X. However, there is another generation of workers who are fighting different battles and they aren’t being talked about. In fact, perhaps you are a member of this generation without even knowing.
Los expertos del Gobierno proponen restringir las pantallas en los colegios y que los adolescentes tengan móviles sin redes sociales ni internet
En Educación Primaria, de los seis a los 12 años, "se priorizará la enseñanza de manera analógica". En la ESO (de 12 a 16 años) y FP Básica, "sólo como herramienta didáctica, debidamente justificada y supervisada, y atendiendo a la edad del alumnado".